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speak out with Aged Care watch

Anonymously report understaffing in your facility now!

Aged Care is in crisis

Older Australians in aged care face understaffing and unfilled shifts every day. It’s impossible to provide quality care without enough care-time.

We need to speak out about what’s really happening in aged care facilities across the country!

The Purpose of Aged Care Watch

Aged Care Watch is a crowd-sourced reporting tool allowing aged care workers, residents, family and community members to share their experience of the aged care crisis by reporting unfilled shifts and understaffing issues.

Raise public awareness of the national aged care crisis

  • Aged Care Watch is designed to give workers, residents and the family members the ability to report under-staffing issues and share how the lack of care time impacts on them
  • Aged Care Watch will record and compile these stories from across the country to highlight the national crisis older Australians and aged care workers are facing
  • Aged Care Watch will provide the data to back up the individual stories of the aged care crisis

KEEP THE pressure on decision-makers to fund more care-time

  • Recording crowd-sourced understaffing issues in one place will put pressure on decision-makers to fund additional care hours
  • Reports will be tallied by electorates providing a detailed picture of the crisis across the country
  • Aged Care Watch will show federal politicians exactly what is happening in aged care in their local area
  • Imagine your local MP getting an email every single time a shift goes unfilled in your workplace!

How Aged Care Watch works

Aged Care Watch has been developed by United Workers Union as part of our national campaign to change aged care. It allows workers, residents, family and community members to make three different types of reports: 1) An incident that occurred as a result of understaffing 2) An unfilled shift 3) A lack of care time story

Your privacy and security

It is important that you can share your experience with confidence. Every report published is strictly anonymous in order to protect the privacy of aged care workers and residents. The names of the facilities are included in reports however the exact timing of incidents and unfilled shifts is not recorded or made public.

Personal information will never be published or shared outside of the campaign to Change Aged Care.

Individual story reports are moderated and any identifying or confidential information is removed before the report is published.

Your Voice is Crucial

No-one understands the crisis better than aged care workers. Your voice is crucial in driving lasting change in the sector. By sharing your experience of aged care, you are shining a light on the crisis and demonstrating what the lack of care time means for residents and workers.

With the spotlight on aged care and a new federal government that’s promised to fix aged care, there has never been a better time to share your story.

This is your tool. The more reports collected the stronger the argument to change aged care.

It is time for workers, residents and family members to speak out together.

Make reporting as convenient as possible!

Add Aged Care Watch to your mobile home screen, just like an App!